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Why You Need a Plan for Your Photos

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If you're like most amusement park goers, your photos are a huge part of the experience. They're always there for you to look back and provide endless hours of fun and entertainment. But after all that time spent taking pictures and saving them to your phone, have you ever thought about what might happen when they’re not backed up and lost forever?


This is why you need a plan for your photos.


Your photos become a member of your history. You know that, right? And because they're such an important part of your life, you want to preserve the memories. Here are five reasons why having a plan with your photos will make you happy:


They're part of the experience


They're part of your life


They're part of your history


They're part of your future


They're part of your memories


But first, it can be challenging preserving your memories.


I always save all of my photos to my Dropbox. I have endless amounts of storage as I pay for the upgraded option. With Dropbox, you never have to worry about space on your phone since they are saved to the cloud. They are so easily accessible, and you can always have around when you go digging through your archives for one specific photo.


For any special photos that I want to see all the time, I have Art to Frame as my go to. They offer this amazing service where you upload the photo, and you pick a frame right from the get-to. No need to print them out yourself when Art to Frame can print and assemble the picture frames themselves. Check them out HERE


You may think that having a plan with your photos is just a waste of time, but I think it's important to have systems in place so that you can enjoy your photos. You might not be able to spend as much time with them as you like, so getting a professional memory keeper is also an option. I hired a certified photo manager (yes that’s a thing!) to help build photo books for me. It was an amazing experience because I didn’t have the time to build the photo books myself but now they are organized and I can enjoy them without any of the hassle..


Photos are a great way to remember your experiences, and they can be stored in many different ways. These were just a few suggestions. You could use photos as a memento, or you could share them with friends and family members. Many people tend to take too many photos, but don't limit yourself! Take as many photos as you want—you never know how useful those images will be down the line.

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