Sincerely Yours


Sincerely Yours Episodes

Mini Motivation: Get Your Work Out On

Mini Motivation episode! Do you always find it hard to work out? Take this episode and use it anytime to get that extra added oomph to get that work out in for the day. I help strategize to go from “I don’t want to work out” to getting it done. This episode is for you, YES you! Helping lead a healthier and happier you, working out can be anything to get you moving and your heart bumping. Take a listen and you’ll have that workout done in no time! Includes "Les métamorphoses du vide" 613 Album by Chapelier Fou We need quotables! Send them in any way how: email Instagram @ceceknowsitall Twitter @sincerelyceced Also, there is a webiste: Trying out a different type of episode so please give your feedback!


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